Sunday, January 2, 2011

It's a New Year!

Will you help share the Gospel?

It isn’t only the full-time missionaries who share the gospel. Every Mormon accepts the responsibility to be a missionary when they are baptized. Because we believe the gospel of Jesus Christ is the way to true happiness, we want to tell as many of our friends and family about it as we can. We believe, as Peter taught in the New Testament, that we should

“be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15).

Of course the most convincing testimony is the good, happy life of a person who lives according to Christ’s teachings, but we also feel that sharing our individual experiences with others is a great way to invite them to come to know more about Jesus Christ.

Sharing the gospel isn’t always easy, though. Many of us feel afraid of offending our friends, seeming pushy or saying something that might be misinterpreted. We gather our courage and try our best to find a way to talk about how much the gospel means to us while respecting other people’s beliefs and choices. In the end, we just love to have friends join us in the joys of living the gospel. This can happen by attending Church meetings and activities during the week and meeting with missionaries to talk about how the gospel can bless their lives.