Monday, November 18, 2013

Christ Centered Christmas

For our Holiday activity in November we had a get ready for Christmas activity themed a Christ Centered Christmas. I used the lesson 'Come Let Us Adore Him' from the Family Home Evening Resource Book as a guide for the activity. We had the cultural hall decorated with traditional Christmas decorations centered on the symbolism of Christs life, ministry and atonement.
We had sisters sign up to decorate the dinning tables with their own decorations. Look at what a great job they did!
For dinner we had a nice Potato and Salad bar and some ham. Sisters provided some yummy holiday deserts. We made some yummy Wassle as well.
For an activity we discussed the exciting and important aspects of the Holidays and what were most important how to keep it simple and ways to teach our families the symbolism of traditional Christmas decorations and ways to think of and serve others during the holidays. For a creative activity we made nativities.
For a handout we added jingle bells to a note card and attached this note. I used a cricut template to lay them out and Sister Watson printed and cut them out on her cricut. I read this thought I adapted from this blog.
I want to be a bell sheep... I pass through herds of sheep and cows every day on the road from my house to the baby house. Well, from my house to anywhere, but especially going to the baby house. And yes, that is generally through, not just passing by herds of animals. I have noticed that there is always one or two wearing a bell. I had wondered how the shepherd chose that one, but without thinking too much about it, just assumed that was maybe the strong-headed one that he needed to keep track of. I think I learned the answer in a book I am reading, Raising a Daughter After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George. The shepherd does chose that one specifically. The shepherd, knowing his sheep, will notice the one who naturally follows him, who keep an eye on him and stays close by. On that one, he puts the bell. It is the "bell sheep." The other sheep will then begin to follow the sound of the bell, even if they are not intently watching, intentionally following the shepherd. It makes perfect sense. I see this every day (that I am home in Kenya, that is), and it is something I can relate to, something that will now be a reminder to me. As a mom, that's what I want to be, a bell sheep. (I guess I could also relate to the cows since I see even more herds of them, but being a "bell cow" doesn't sound so sweet.) I want to be so intent on watching my Shepherd, following my Savior that His marking, His bell, will be on me. As I grow in love for my Father, the Shepherd, I will naturally follow Him and it will be evident in my life - my words and my actions. That is my desire, that my bell will ring in my words and actions ~ and that my children would hear. We know that children model what they see and hear. I pray that our childrenwill see and hear the sound of a bell worthy of following. I want to be a bell sheep that they can follow, one that will lead them to the Shepherd. It was a great night and so many sisters participated and came and enjoyed the evening together.


  1. Thank you for all the wonderful ideas! And how neat to learn about the "bell sheep". I had never heard that before. Thanks!

  2. Do you have a link or tutorial for the nativity you guys made?
